
Photoshop vs. Lightroom: Which Is the Best Photo Editing Software for You?

It'due south not frequently that we write a comparison commodity on ii products that not but piece of work together just are besides sold together as part of a bundle deal. There are real differences between Adobe's 2 big photography applications, Photoshop and Lightroom. Since chances are good you'll subscribe to them both, we're less concerned hither about telling you which one to buy and more than about telling you which one to use, and for what purposes.

What Do Photoshop and Lightroom Do, and How Are They Different?

So, how do Photoshop and Lightroom differ? In a nutshell, Lightroom is a nondestructive photo workflow, adjustment, and management program, while Photoshop is a pixel-level, layer-based image manipulation programme. It tin can take years to learn Photoshop, whereas getting good at Lightroom is adequately straightforward. Which one is correct for you really depends on what you plan to do with information technology.

Further complicating the choice, Adobe now offers ii flavors of Lightroom: The standard i used by professional photographers is at present chosen Lightroom Classic, while the manifestly Lightroom name applies to the more consumer-friendly, cloud-synced version of the software. Because Lightroom Classic is the gold standard pro photo workflow program, we've chosen to pit that version against Photoshop, which is also conspicuously a pro-level tool.

Photoshop home screen

Photoshop'due south startup screen shows how it's designed for creating and working on i image at a time.

We may pit Lightroom (non-Archetype) against Adobe'southward consumer-targeted photo editing package, Photoshop Elements, at a future appointment. Elements offers a healthy helping of both Photoshop-manner editing and Lightroom-manner workflow and organisation tools combined with lots of guidance, but it squarely targets less-technical, less-professional level users.

How Much Do Photoshop and Lightroom Price?

With that brief background, let'due south talk pricing. Lightroom and Photoshop are available only by subscription; you can install them on 64-flake computers with a minimum 8GB RAM running macOS 10.14 Mojave and after or Windows x version 1903 and later on. The Adobe Artistic Cloud Photography programme costs $ix.99 per month (with a full-year commitment) and gets you both flavors of Lightroom, Photoshop, and 20GB of online storage. That'south non really enough storage for a big collection of loftier-res SLR images. To get 1TB of deject storage with this plan, you'll pay $19.99 per month. The Lightroom program merely gets you the newer flavor of Lightroom, plus 1TB storage. If y'all're not interested in Lightroom at all, yous tin go Photoshop lonely for $20.99 per month with 100GB storage. Frankly, I'm not certain why anyone would take that final option.

Lightroom interface

Lightroom is all about working with a collection of photos imported from your photographic camera.

Finally, if y'all go the unabridged Creative Cloud subscription program, including, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and more, yous'll pay $52.99 per month. The Photography and Lightroom plans are only available with a year'due south delivery; y'all tin can become Photoshop standalone or the total suite for a single calendar month, but you lot'll pay $31.49 and $79.49, respectively. You can use a subscription on only two computers simultaneously. Photoshop Elements goes for a i-time toll of $99.99, though that's heavily discounted occasionally.

Of course, Adobe isn't the only maker of photo software. You should also consult our roundup of photograph applications, which includes more-budget-conscious products like Corel PaintBrush Pro and CyberLink's PhotoDirector, as well as more-expensive pro-targeting software such every bit Capture One and DxO PhotoLab. The Adobe products undoubtedly accept more name recognition, and certainly represent the state of the art, but it doesn't hurt to investigate your options.

Photo Import and Organization

If y'all're a lensman, rather than a designer, and importing and organizing your piece of work are your goals, then you don't demand to go any further in this article: Choose Lightroom, because it'south designed to handle workflow. What is workflow? It comprises all the steps from transferring image files from your photographic camera'south memory card to adjusting their lighting, color, sharpness, and crop to outputting the final images either for online or print.

Import in Lightroom

When y'all import photos into Lightroom, you can apply tags and fifty-fifty furnishings simultaneously.

Photoshop is not designed to bargain with importing and managing your photo collection. Yous can apply its ancillary Bridge awarding for this purpose, simply having a single application makes for a more streamlined process.

Working with Raw Image Files

Both Photoshop and Lightroom can open raw photographic camera files. These are files with extensions like CR2 (for Canon cameras) and NEF (for Nikon) and ARW (for Sony). They are larger than JPGs because they comprise more than data from your photographic camera's sensor, allowing for more powerful adjustment of lighting and color after the fact. For example, if you shoot in JPG, your camera interprets the sensor data and delivers its best guess every bit to what the paradigm should wait like.

If you edit a raw image file, yous tin can change specific luminosity ranges similar shadows or highlights using information from the original sensor capture that wasn't used in the initial JPG rendering. This manner, you can, for instance, pull out the color of a bird that simply appeared as a black silhouette in the initial JPG version. If you were to effort this on the JPG, the data would have been discarded, so there's no fashion to evidence that that blackbird is really a bluebird. That's an extreme example, just editing with raw files besides lets you more assuredly, for example, bring out a shadowed face while leaving the well-exposed background alone.

Adobe Camera Raw

Photoshop opens the separate Adobe Camera Raw when you lot open raw file files, while Lightroom simply displays them.

If you desire to create a single-shot HDR upshot to optimize lighting beyond a photo's dynamic range, you'll have far superior results if you lot start from a raw file. Using raw files as well lets yous change the white balance (color warmth or coolness) later on the fact; Lightroom offers an Auto White Balance button that tin sometimes fix a colour-shifted photo.

In Photoshop you can't just open a raw camera image directly: When you outset opening a raw paradigm file, the carve up Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) app pops open up on meridian of the main Photoshop window with your epitome loaded. This gives you a sort of pre-editor, with adjustments for lighting, color, and sharpness. You and so either open the issue of any manipulation in ACR in Photoshop proper for further editing.

Lightroom, on the other hand, lets yous import raw files and outset working on them without the demand for an intermediary utility. Lightroom and ACR both offering Adobe's exclusive Raw Profiles, which determine how the original sensor information is converted to an editable image. For instance, you could just use a profile based on your camera, or choose Adobe Color, Bright, Mural, Portrait, or Monochrome. Each tilts the result towards appropriate color and sharpness levels.

Nondestructive vs. Destructive Editing

A central difference betwixt a photograph workflow application like Lightroom and a straight-on image editing one like Photoshop is that workflow software keeps all your originals and puts whatsoever editing changes in a database that contains all your edits for every photograph. In Lightroom parlance, this database is called a Catalog. Whatever edits you brand to the photo are saved in the Itemize and associated with that image, meaning the original remains intact and accessible any time afterwards.

When you edit an image in Photoshop, you lot finish up with a new image at the end, and you'll only exist able to go back to the original if you save a copy. You can work around this Photoshop beliefs with things like adjustment layers, snapshots, and sidecar files for raw files, simply Lightroom implements nondestructive workflows automatically.

Image Adjustment vs. Epitome Editing

There'south a distinction between prototype adjustment and editing. The former means applying changes to the lighting, colour, and sharpness of an entire image without calculation fabric that doesn't come from your camera. Editing proper concerns truly manipulating an image, making changes to particular areas, and adding content like text, shapes, or other images on tiptop of the original. Lightroom's forte is adjustment, while Photoshop'south is editing.

Lightroom adjustments are perfect for things similar brightening an underexposed paradigm or bringing out colors in a drab ane. Y'all tin also utilise them to increment (or subtract) sharpness and fifty-fifty correct an image based on the lens yous utilise. Lightroom does include some local adjustment tools: Y'all tin apply a brush, shape, or gradient to alter selected areas in an prototype. Cropping, besides, could exist considered editing rather than adjusting, and Lightroom has splendid cropping capabilities.

Masking and gradients in Photoshop

Photoshop lets y'all get creative with masks and gradients.

As for true creative editing, that's the domain of Photoshop. For example, if yous want to cut someone out of a photo or place them in another epitome with a different groundwork, you demand Photoshop, with its Select and Mask tools. If you just desire to lighten or punch up the colour in a shady or deadening area of a photo, Lightroom can exercise it. Either tin do basic things similar smoothing blemishes or fixing scarlet optics resulting from flash.

Some of Photoshop's near dazzling tools are dubbed Content Aware, and y'all don't find them in Lightroom. For example, if you have a photo scene containing people or objects yous want to remove, Photoshop'due south Content Aware Fill tool can replace the unwanted object with background fabric it generates past analyzing the rest of the image.

Photoshop is essentially a superset of Lightroom, since it (and its ACR utility) tin can do any adjustments Lightroom can. On top of those, it adds the same selection tools, along with many more options including Filters, Liquefy, Shapes, Text, 3D, and the new Neural Filters. These let yous alter the look of faces or utilise an effect that tin make a photo look similar a van Gogh. For all these rich artistic tools, you lot must turn to Photoshop.

Layers vs. Hidden Layers

One of Photoshop's major innovations and differentiators is its support for layers. These tin can be likened to placing a plate of drinking glass with some effect or epitome on top of another, for a superimposition. Serious Photoshop practitioners are skilled at using dozens of layers to create an end-issue paradigm. Photographers tin can also use Aligning layers to utilize lighting and color adjustments that can be turned on and off separately from whatever other adjustments—you tin can enable or disable layers at will.

Lightroom hides layers from you, and this is one of the main reasons for the program'south beingness: Photographers who only want to procedure their photos (just as in the past they'd apply a darkroom) don't desire the added complication of thinking about and managing layers.

Text, Shapes, Drawing, and 3D

Photoshop's text options are deep, with things like stroking, glow, and fifty-fifty glyph editing, which lets you change parts of characters. If text is your primary piece of work, then you lot may desire to skip Photoshop in favor of Adobe Illustrator, which works in a more than text-friendly vector file format. Vector images can be resized without losing sharpness, something that's very important when working with text.

Drawing in Photoshop

You can use a multitude of cartoon and shape tools in Photoshop, something that'due south not possible in Lightroom.

Shapes, as design elements, are well supported in Photoshop and absent entirely from Lightroom. Again, if shapes are your affair, Illustrator may exist the way to go. Cartoon and Painting are like—look to Photoshop, or even to Adobe's fantabulous Fresco iPad app.

3D modeling in Photoshop

Photoshop fifty-fifty includes 3D epitome editing.

Photoshop besides includes powerful 3D modeling design capabilities, which can be useful non only to designers only to game developers and technical illustrators. The program offers 3D primitives, texture mapping, and support for 3D press.

Lightroom'south text capabilities are relegated to adding a watermark to your photo, and information technology doesn't include any tools for adding shapes, drawing, or 3D modeling. For photographers, that'south perfectly acceptable, only creative and technical image designers demand the added tools in Photoshop.

Mobile Editing

If y'all need to do photograph or image editing on the run, Adobe offers capable apps for both Photoshop and Lightroom, with the latter beingness more mature. The company merely started offer Photoshop for iPad last year, and though it lacks major features of the desktop program, information technology integrates well with information technology—you tin can save your work as deject documents and open them on either platform.

The Lightroom mobile apps permit you lot both edit and shoot photos from the devices, which extra command over shooting. On the iPhone, the Lightroom app adds the power to save shots as raw camera files and offers nearly all the adjustments found in the desktop. Android natively lets users save in raw image format, only the Lightroom app for that platform, too, offers the full assortment of image aligning tools.


Tethered shooting is when your photographic camera, normally connected with a USB cable or wirelessly via Wi-Fi, sends photos to software on your computer as shortly as you lot shoot them. This allows you lot to encounter the full-size images and to start working on them, cataloging them, or sharing them immediately.

Tethered photo shooting with Lightroom

Photo of tethered shooting, courtesy of

Lightroom Archetype is your go-to for tethered shooting, while Photoshop doesn't have this capability. Nor does the newer, consumer-friendly version of Lightroom. Other software that supports tethering includes Capture Ane, CyberLink PhotoDirector, and ON1 Photo RAW.

State-of-the-Fine art, Ever-Evolving Tools

Occasionally, Adobe adds new state-of-the-fine art features only to Photoshop. Examples include the Camera Shake Reduction tool (which, in testing, turned out to be less magical than it initially sounded) and the recent Neural Filters tools, which use AI to alter faces and apply art manner transfer to your images.

Despite this, Lightroom gets plenty of update love from Adobe. The Enhance Details tool, which landed last yr, processes raw image data to draw out more sharpness. Lightroom too got a nifty Texture slider, and more recently, new color grading tools and local hue adjustment tools arrived.

You lot Don't Need to Cull

The choice between Lightroom and Photoshop is not a decision of which product you should buy—both come with Adobe'due south $9.99-per-month Photography Plan subscription—but rather a matter of which you lot should utilize. The respond may well exist to utilize both. For getting the images from your camera card, organizing them, and fixing the lighting, crop, and color, Lightroom is your go-to. For deep paradigm manipulation like removing people and objects from a photo, calculation shape and text overlays, and applying artistic filters, yous'll want to use Photoshop. Choose Lightroom for pure photography needs, and Photoshop for design and inventiveness.


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